【英語版】北海道の医師らがパレスチナで医療支援 4か所の難民キャンプで180人を診療 緊張と過酷な現場について報告 パレスチナに心寄せる大学生も…「もっと関心を持ってほしい」(日本語版はこちら)

A boy with burns on his face and hands. He is being treated by a doctor from Hokkaido, Japan.

Sapporo November 2023
June 2

Yoshio Nekozuka, an orthopedic surgeon at a hospital in Sapporo and the leader of the "Hokkaido Palestine Medical Service Volunteer,” has been involved in medical support activities in Palestine for over 10 years.

Due to the challenges of providing aid in Gaza, Mr. Nekozuka and his team decided to provide support in the West Bank.They will deliver origami and medical supplies to the people there.

June 2
June 2

Ben Gurion Airport in Israel, which is about 9,000 kilometers from Sapporo.
The aisles were lined with photos of Israeli citizens who had been taken hostage.

Ben Gurion Airport June 8

When they arrived at the West Bank, it was surrounded by a separation barrier.

Bethlehem June 12
Bethlehem June 1

Mr. Nekozuka: “Since October 7, almost 500 people have been killed by the Israeli army, and the settlers in the West Bank. They have been trying to try to expand the settlements and destroy Palestinian houses. Whenever Palestinian protest, they are attacked.”

In the West Bank, it is said that the Palestinian death toll exceeds 500 from the violence by Israeli settlers and other attacks.

Mr. Nekozuka treated 180 people in four refugee camps from June 9 to June 14.

village near Ramallah June 10
Shu’fat camp June 9

As there were numerous severely injured patients in need of surgery, he spent his time preparing referral letters and documents for their future treatment.

Shu’fat camp June 9

Mr. Nekozuka: “Despite the smallness of the handwritten notes, many people carefully folded and took them home”

The number of checkpoints increased, and the city was under strict surveillance by the Israeli army.

Nablus June 13

Mr. Nekozuka: “As it got dark, they asked me to leave. I asked, “Why?” and they said, “When it gets dark, the Israeli soldiers come to attack the refugee camps.”

On the night of June 13, while treating children in Nablus,

Israeli soldiers invaded the refugee camp, and six Palestinians were killed.

Mr. Nekozuka: “If we had stayed longer until the night came, we might have been killed.”

The team returned to Japan on June 16, and talked about the disastrous situation in the West Bank.

New Chitose Airport June 16

Mr. Nekozuka: “The situation in the West Bank is not so good. The economic situation is getting worse. When Palestanians go out, they get attacked more and more.”

Mr. Nekozuka: “Children in the refugee camps don't want to go outside. Up until now, there were about 5% who weren’t attending school, but now it's up to around 20%.”

Before Mr. Nekozuka’s arrival in Jerusalem on June 13, there had been a shooting incident in the downtown area.

Jerusalem June 13

Israeli settlers shot a Palestinian man.

Jerusalem June 13

Mr. Nekozuka: “I have never seen Israeli settlers walking around with weapons hanging from their arms in the downtown area, which is a tourist spot. If you protest, you will be arrested immediately. Already in the last 8-9 months, about 10,000 people have been arrested.”

The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has gained global attention, with young people, including students at Hokkaido University, expressing their support and raising awareness about the issue. These students hold weekly “picnics” during lunch breaks to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and encourage others to join in the conversation.

Hokkaido University June 25

Hokkaido University Student: “It’s easier for other students to participate because it’s a picnic. This is a complicated issue, so I want people to discuss it with others and deepen their thoughts.”

Hokkaido University June 25

The students displayed photos of Gaza and handmade posters to draw attention.

Hokkaido University student: “There are still only a few people who are interested, and I'm hoping that more people will come and join us.”

In October, Mr. Nekozuka and his team plan to return to the West Bank to provide medical support.

Shu’fat camp June 9
